Most Asian bodywork is based on the concept that there is a system of energy lines in the body.  If they are blocked, health problems develop.  Unblocking this energy flow results in improved health, a relaxed state of mind, and an overall sense of wellness and oneness with the Divine.1

What is Thai Massage?

“The Lazy Person’s Yoga,” in short, used to clear energy lines and bring a send of peace.

What are the benefits of Thai Massage?

Unblocking the energy glow, improving overall body function, giving a sense of peace and connection with source energy.

How is American Massage different than Thai Massage?

Asia massage focuses on energy lines (the parts of the body you can not see or touch).  American massage focuses on musculoskeletal (tangible part of the body).

What should you expect?

You will lie on a mat while I use my hands and feet to move and stretch your body into different positions being mindful of limited mobility and comfort levels. No oils or creams are used, pressure is applied all along the energy lines in the body.

What should you wear?

Wear loose comfortable clothing that you can easily move in. (workout or loose yoga clothing)

1.Ayurveda & Thai Massage: A Comprehensive Guide – Ariela Grodner L.M.T. (page 79)